Friday, March 9, 2018

Unplugged (Part 2)

Unplugged (Part 2)

Unplugged (Second part)

I must call this project Finished, for the simple reason of finishing it. Sounds terrible, trust me I know, but if I don't put an end to it, I will continue adding and subtracting stuff like the past week.
Procrastination and perfectionism are true enemies, I can't never win against them, so the only option I have: to friend them and enjoy the ride.

Can I really do this?
Constantly looking for inspiration and new ideas could be considered as idling, and it happened quite often. The problem is, as a result of, I began comparing my work with well experienced people, which worked hard for a long time to achieve such results. Sound silly but it jerks out some pessimist emotions.
Grammar and experience were the final bosses to defeat, as you might can tell English is not my native-tongue, everyday I learn something new.

A good product vs. Inertia?
Perfectionism might seen sophisticated, but in my opinion is a big roadblock, creates an enormous self-doubt bubble encapsulating one's head. Of course I still believe and feel that my story is awfully rushed, sloppy and overall clumsy (Ok yeah, I stop right here).
These feelings previously described are the barricade to get through the finish line, and all I want is to get there anyhow. Of course I think over criticism, productive or not is always welcome (I say that now, but it wasn't always like that), but the objective is to finish.
What is after? A new beginning, keep on working and take advantage of the inertia, I personally have no idea where all this is going, this is my chance to create new productive habits like perseverance, time management and creative thinking (Ah! Almost forget: life valance as well).

I really enjoyed the whole process and learned so much from it, hoping this is the key for a new door.

Read the book online clicking here!

I hope you like it, enjoy!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Unplugged (Part 1)

Unplugged (Part 1)

Unplugged (This tittle may be subject to change)

Ok, how do I start?
Everything started with a simple Skype call with a good friend of mine (another dreamer with no salvation). I know this guy before my mind can remember; and we always as kids dreamed to engage with lots of activities together, we did some, some took eleven years later drunken in a cabin playing as DJs.
While we were talking and dreaming like we've been doing for the past thirty and plus years, a new idea came along: Lets write children books.

I have no previews experience in any subject when it comes to write a book, especially for kids?
The idea itself sounds amazing ('till now I am seduced with the idea) and then the whens, hows and whats were ask. "I have no idea how, when or what, just lets do it". That's all I had.

Based on real-life limitations like time for example, I have at the moment the privilege of more time than my busiest friend in the world.
Wasted no time and I bought a book about How-To's, and reading through and emerging myself more into the book I found it extremely overwhelming and time consuming with an uncertain reward.

I decided to start one myself while I wait for my friend, and it's called "Unplugged" or at least for now.

The process is fun, ups and downs, writing and rewriting, spacing out all the time and drawing and taking part with the characters.

Its like a you are directing a movie in your head all the time.

This is a short, rushed introduction of what it would be. I have one goal: Fail as many times as possible and document everything so I can learn the most of it.